24st 24-h Thuringian Orienteering Relay
May10 - 12, 2024

In one week the legendary 24-hour-orienteering-relay will start. For that you can read the latest competition information in the final bulletin.

Also for the 24th Thuringian 24-hour-orienteering we updated the rules a little bit. Each team will get a start course and after that you have the 6 theme courses. All other regulations, such as the twilight courses and the night courses, remain unaffected.

In a few days the course data will be published here.

In just a few days we have the next deadline for entries for the legendary 24-hour-orienteering. Please make sure, that you enter your team until the 31th of March (Eastersunday). You can enter your team via the O-Manger or via E-Mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

We right now preparing everything for the competition including a comprehensive supporting program. On Friday evening we have the rock band "Coleslaw" to open the 24-hour-orienteering. During the competition you can relay in the sauna and on Saturday afternoon the small kids can go to the fabulist or can test there orienteering skills in the kids-orienteering.

We are glad to see you in Karolinenfield in a few weeks.

Upcoming Sunday the entry for the 24th Thuringian 24-hour-orienteering will be closed. Now you should be fast to get your ticket for the legendary 24-hour-orienteering. We look forward to seeing you there.

We are very happy and delighted, that so many team registered during the first entry-period. Thank you all for this. We have already 150 team-entries for the 24th Thuringian 24-hour-orienteering. So far, we have 60 teams over the whole 24-hour, in the 12-hour-kategory there are 77 entries and the youth have already 13 teams.

The 2nd registration deadline is Easter Sunday, 31.03.2024. Take your mates and sport fans to register a team - of course for the 24-hour-relay. If you do so, we will reach the 1000 participants for the first time in history of the 24-hour-orienteering.